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Ranchers Heifer Sale

POSTPONED for 2021

Juntura, Oregon


Located at our Sale Barn in Juntura

For the last 30 years, we have developed cattle that are proven to calve on their own, hunt for grass and bring back a 500 – 600 lb calf. Only the most functional cattle remain in the herd to promulgate the desirable traits.

The Ranches Bred Heifer Sale began in 2010 due to the market’s demand for top quality commercial Black Angus bred heifers. Each year, we sell between 300 -500 bred heifers. These commercial Black Angus heifers are selected from our herd and will be 22 months old and weigh 1000 lbs on the day of the sale. They have been range bred to high performing bulls and are sorted for calving dates of February, March, April, and May, and sold in small or large lots by gate cut only.

These one-iron bred heifers are born and raised in the harsh elements of the High Desert of Eastern Oregon. We have selected for strong mothering and fertility traits, structural soundness, and high yielding feedlot and carcass performance. From birth until butcher, the offspring of these heifers deliver what the producer and consumer is looking for. A profitable maternal herd increases the margins for any operation’s success.

With the highest regard for integrity, we believe in the traditional way of producing a quality bred heifer with the proper nutrition, low-stress handling, and sustainable agriculture practices just the way nature intended.

These Heifers Are

One Iron
Culled by the harsh environment of the High Desert
Ranch Raised
Commercial Black Angus
Bred For Low Birth Weight

We will have 400 head for sale with your choice of lot size and sorted by calving date: ?February, March, April/May.

We also offer 150 head of mature cows.

We Select Bulls Based On

Low Birth Weight
High Fertility
Moderate Frame and Milk
Sturctural Soundness
High Yelds of Gain For Weaning
And Yearling Weights

We source our bulls from Memory Angus, 44 Farms, Riverbend Ranch and Thomas Angus

Eric Duarte, Auctioneer

Phone: 541-533-2105 ~ Cell: 541-891-7863


Coming from the West:

Traveling through the town of Burns, OR, head East on Highway 20 for 54 miles until you reach the auction barn. Signs will be posted.

Coming from the East:

Traveling from Ontario, OR, head to Vale, and proceed West on Highway 20 for 56 miles until you reach the town of Juntura, then proceed another 2 miles to the auction barn. Signs will be posted.


Postponed for 2021

Ranchers Heifer Sale


Contact Us
Ranchers Horse Sale
Juntura, OR
Ethan Bentz 541-881-6286
Linda Bentz 541-216-3379

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